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grovel 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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grovelling, present participle; grovelled, past tense; grovelled, past participle; grovels, 3rd person singular present; groveled, past tense; groveled, past participle; groveling, present participle;
  1. Lie or move abjectly on the ground with one's face downward
    • - she was groveling on the floor in fear
  2. Act in an obsequious manner in order to obtain someone's forgiveness or favor
    • - everyone expected me to grovel with gratitude
    • - his groveling references to “great” historians and their “brilliant” works

  1. fawn: show submission or fear
  2. (grovelling) cringing: totally submissive
  3. To be prone on the ground; To crawl; To abase oneself before another person; To be nice to someone or apologize in the hope of securing something; To take pleasure in mundane activities
  4. To climb with obviously poor style or technique. A climbing route judged to be without redeeming virtue.
  5. To be humiliated by a route; to show bad climbing form.
  6. A bit involving groveling before royalty. In it s simplest form one simply prostrates oneself on the ground, but creative grovels can be Baroque in their elaboration.
  7. A hill you end up in your lowest gear for. "That hill was a real grovel." Also used on the flat when you have blown your ring.