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groom 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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groomed, past tense; grooms, 3rd person singular present; grooming, present participle; groomed, past participle;
  1. Look after the coat of (a horse, dog, or other animal) by brushing and cleaning it
    • - you must be prepared to spend time grooming your dog
  2. (of an animal) Clean the fur or skin of
    • - their main preoccupation is licking and grooming themselves
  3. Give a neat and tidy appearance to (someone)
    • - she pays great attention to makeup, grooming, and clothes
  4. Look after (a lawn, ski slope, or other surface)

  5. Prepare or train (someone) for a particular purpose or activity
    • - star pupils who are groomed for higher things
  6. (of a pedophile) Prepare (a child) for a meeting, esp. via an Internet chat room, with the intention of committing a sexual offence

  1. A person employed to take care of horses

  2. A bridegroom

  3. Any of various officials of the royal household

  1. a man participant in his own marriage ceremony
  2. prepare: educate for a future role or function; "He is grooming his son to become his successor"; "The prince was prepared to become King one day"; "They trained him to be a warrior"
  3. stableman: someone employed in a stable to take care of the horses
  4. dress: give a neat appearance to; "groom the dogs"; "dress the horses"
  5. a man who has recently been married
  6. care for one's external appearance; "He is always well-groomed"
  7. Groom is a family name of English origin. Its English usage comes from the trade or profession, a person responsible for the feeding and care of horses, not to be confused with the much more socially distinguished roles in the English Royal Household of Groom of the Chamber, or Groom of the ...
  8. Groom is a town in Carson County, Texas, United States. The population was 587 at the 2000 census. It is part of the Amarillo, Texas Metropolitan Statistical Area. It is on Interstate Highway 40 (Historic Route 66) 42 miles east of Amarillo, 220 miles west of Oklahoma City.
  9. A man who is about to become or has recently become part of a married couple. Short form of bridegroom; To attend to one's appearance and clothing; To care for horses or other animals by brushing and cleaning them; To prepare a ski slope for skiers; To attempt to gain the trust of a minor or ...
  10. (Grooms) Heavy, stationary objects used at horse shows to hold down lawn chairs and show bills. (see pit crews)
  11. Stable employee assigned to tend to a horse or horses, including bringing the horse to the paddock for a race.
  12. A person who cares for a horse in a stable.
  13. To prepare a course or run by smoothing it with machinery, allowing more consistent skiing.
  14. The Tale of the Priest and of His Workman Balda (1830) · The Tale of the Female Bear (1830) · The Tale of Tsar Saltan (1831)  · The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights (1833) · The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish (1835) · The Tale of the Golden Cockerel (1835)
  15. Those who tend to horses and stables, also known as ostlers.
  16. someone who looks after a horse – not just grooming
  17. The servant in a household who looked after the horses.
  18. To clean, bathe and brush with special tools.
  19. A person who takes care of one or more horses—washing, grooming, and feeding them.
  20. To brush, comb, trim, or otherwise make a dog’s coat neat.
  21. means to fix hair, brush teeth, and take care of your looks and body. What’s the word?
  22. the preparation of snow on ski and snowmobile trails. Grooming compacts the snow, evens the surface, and provides tracks or other surface features appropriate for the specific activity.
  23. In Spanish, petisero. One of the player’s key assets, a groom trains and cares for the horses. Argentinian grooms are the most highly regarded.
  24. An employee who looks after horses.^ Also ostler or hostler (archaic).
  25. To establish a level of trust and develop an increasingly exploitative relationship between a victim and a predator.