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gridiron 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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gridirons, plural;
  1. A frame of parallel bars or beams, typically in two sets arranged at right angles, in particular

  2. A frame of parallel metal bars used for grilling meat or fish over an open fire

  3. A frame of parallel beams for supporting a ship in dock

  4. (in the theater) A framework over a stage supporting scenery and lighting

  5. A field for football, marked with regularly spaced parallel lines

  6. The game of football
    • - the national gridiron season

  1. grid: a cooking utensil of parallel metal bars; used to grill fish or meat
  2. football field: the playing field on which football is played
  3. Gridiron: Fantasy Football was a football-themed collectible card game first published in 1995 by Upper Deck.
  4. A gridiron is a metal grate with parallel bars typically used for grilling meat, fish, vegetables, or combinations of such foods. It may also be two such grids, hinged to fold together, to securely hold food while grilling over an open flame.
  5. Gridiron is a science fiction novel written by British author Philip Kerr. It is a story about a highly technical building (nicknamed The Gridiron), which becomes self-aware and tries to kill everyone inside, confusing real life with a video game.
  6. An iron rack or grate used for broiling flesh and fish over coals; Any object resembling the rack or grate; The field on which American football is played; A generic term for American and Canadian football, particularly when used to distinguish from other football codes especially to ...
  7. (grid-irons) iron grates, square or round, with short legs and a handle for boiling food over an open fire.
  8. If you’ve watched Gridiron Gang, gridiron is not just a cool name for Kilpatrick Detention Center’s Football team. Gridiron is in fact the game of American football itself. It came from the crisscrossed lines or griddle which you see in a regular American football field. ...
  9. Framework of wood or steel above the stage. Used to support and fly scenery.
  10. Consisted of parallel bars on a frame, either rectangular or circular, with short legs and used for broiling. Was also used at times on a trivet to increase its height over the coals.
  11. a football field, so called for its markings.
  12. The field.  According to Wikipedia, it originates from the same root as “griddle.”  It said that in the old days, football fields would be marked with a criss-cross pattern.
  13. A grid made of iron and/or steel.
  14. The emblem of St. Lawrence.