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griddle 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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griddles, plural;
  1. Cook on a griddle
    • - griddled corn cakes
  2. Screen (ore) with a griddle
    • - black copper ore is generally griddled out
  1. A heavy, flat iron plate that is heated and used for cooking food

  2. A miner's wire-bottomed sieve

  1. cooking utensil consisting of a flat heated surface (as on top of a stove) on which food is cooked
  2. cook on a griddle; "griddle pancakes"
  3. A griddle is a piece of cooking equipment. In the industrial world usually it is a flat plate of metal (usually aluminium, stainless steel or cast iron). In the non-industrial world, and in traditional cultures, the griddle may be a stone or brick slab or tablet. ...
  4. (Griddlers) Nonograms, also known as Paint by Numbers or Griddlers are picture logic puzzles in which cells in a grid have to be colored or left blank according to numbers given at the side of the grid to reveal a hidden picture. ...
  5. (griddles) are used for cooking fried eggs, pancakes, and for toasting for sandwiches. Flame grilled griddles ... How to use griddle may not interest a veteran kitchen player but surely the amateurs will  focus on it. Griddle is one of the most easy to maintain, multipurpose kitchen equipment ...
  6. A pan with a smooth surface and shallow sides.
  7. Flat metal plate used to bake breads and cakes on the top of the stove or as a separate cooking component.
  8. A flat piece of steel heated from beneath. Food cooked on a griddle is often called "grilled" although strictly it is griddled not grilled. These are popular in cafes and restaurants since you can use them indoors.
  9. A large, flat heavy pan with heat applied from the bottom
  10. A flat cast-iron pan traditionally used for breads and scones. More recently griddles have a ridged surface and are used, lightly oiled, for cooking vegetables, meat and fish.
  11. a flat pan or surface used to cook food with direct heat from below
  12. A flat-surfaced pan.