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grapple 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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grappled, past participle; grappled, past tense; grappling, present participle; grapples, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Engage in a close fight or struggle without weapons; wrestle
    • - passersby grappled with the man after the knife attack
  2. Seize hold of(someone)

  3. Struggle with or work hard to deal with or overcome (a difficulty or challenge)
    • - other towns are still grappling with the problem
  4. Seize or hold with a grapnel

  1. An act of grappling

  2. A wrestling match

  3. An instrument for catching hold of or seizing something; a grappling hook

  1. cope: come to terms with; "We got by on just a gallon of gas"; "They made do on half a loaf of bread every day"
  2. grapnel: a tool consisting of several hooks for grasping and holding; often thrown with a rope
  3. clamshell: a dredging bucket with hinges like the shell of a clam
  4. to grip or seize, as in a wrestling match; "the two men grappled with each other for several minutes"
  5. wrestle: the act of engaging in close hand-to-hand combat; "they had a fierce wrestle"; "we watched his grappling and wrestling with the bully"
  6. (grappling) wrestling: the sport of hand-to-hand struggle between unarmed contestants who try to throw each other down
  7. Grāpple is the registered brand name for a commercially marketed brand of Fuji or Gala apple that has been specially treated to make the flesh taste like a grape. ...
  8. Grapple is a free software package for adding multiplayer support to computer games and applications. It uses Internet protocols, supporting both TCP/IP and UDP/IP. ...
  9. A grapple is a hook or claw used to catch or hold something. A ship's anchor is a type of grapple, especially the "grapnel" anchor.
  10. Grapple is the name of a fictional character in the various Transformers universes. Due to trademark issues, he was released as "Autobot Grapple" when he was reissued by Hasbro.
  11. Grappling refers to techniques, manoeuvres, and counters applied to an opponent in order to gain a physical advantage, such as improving their relative position or to escaping, submitting or injuring them, through the application of various Grappling techniques, and the counters to these. ...
  12. (Grappling (martial art)) Grappling is a non-striking hybrid style formed of wrestling, jiu jitsu, sambo, and many other submission fighting styles which consists in applying submission holds and choking techniques in order to make the opponent abandon the fight. ...
  13. a device consisting of iron claws, attached to the end of a rope, used for grasping and holding an enemy ship prior to boarding; a grapnel or grappling iron; the act of grappling; a close hand-to-hand struggle; to seize something and hold it firmly; to use a grapple; to wrestle or tussle
  14. (Grappling) A general term used to describe wrestling and ground oriented martial arts.
  15. (Grappling) Is a form of fighting that involves wrestling chokes and locks, close quarter fighting.
  16. A clamshell-type bucket having three or more jaws.
  17. Hinged mechanism/set of jaws capable of being opened and closed; used to grip logs during skidding or loading.
  18. was a crew member serving on the Black Pearl under Hector Barbossa, and was one of the pirates cursed by the chest of Hernán Cortés on Isla de Muerta.
  19. Autobot architect/builder. Altmode is an orangy-colored cranelike vehicle.
  20. A heavy set of tongs developed primarily to eliminate large tong holes in logs. Used with a log loader equipped with a heel boom for loading logs onto trucks.
  21. Fighting whilst engaged in very close combat without strikes. Wrestling and Judo are both grappling arts. Grappling often takes place on the ground.
  22. A fixture attached to a satellite or payload so the end effector of the Orbiter's remote manipulator arm can grasp it and maneuver it.
  23. a hook used to grab another object.