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gobble 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Eat (something) hurriedly and noisily,
  1. (of a male turkey) Make a characteristic swallowing sound in the throat

  2. (of a person) Make such a sound when speaking, esp. when excited or angry
    • - she was gobbling to herself faintly in her distress
  1. The gurgling sound made in the throat by a male turkey

  1. the characteristic sound made by a turkey cock
  2. eat hastily without proper chewing; "Don't bolt your food!"
  3. (Gobbles (South Park)) "Helen Keller! The Musical" is episode 61 of South Park. It originally aired on November 22, 2000.
  4. To make the sound of a turkey; To eat hastily or greedily; to scoff. Often used with up
  5. (gobbled) To eat quickly and greedily
  6. (Gobbling (Jokes)) Why wasn't there any food left after the monster party? Because everyone was a goblin!
  7. An obsolete slang term meaning a hard-hit putt that holes out.
  8. n. \ to take a ground ball quickly and expertly.
  9. A call (sound) produced by male turkeys.