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goad 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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goads, plural;
  1. Provoke or annoy (someone) so as to stimulate some action or reaction
    • - he goaded her on to more daring revelations
  2. Drive or urge (an animal) on with a goad

  1. A spiked stick used for driving cattle

  2. A thing that stimulates someone into action
    • - for him the visit was a goad to renewed effort

  1. prod: a pointed instrument that is used to prod into a state of motion
  2. spur: give heart or courage to
  3. a verbalization that encourages you to attempt something; "the ceaseless prodding got on his nerves"
  4. urge with or as if with a goad
  5. needle: goad or provoke,as by constant criticism; "He needled her with his sarcastic remarks"
  6. (goaded) driven: compelled forcibly by an outside agency; "mobs goaded by blind hatred"
  7. The goad is a traditional farming implement, used to spur or guide lifestock, usually oxen, which are pulling a plough or a cart; used also to round up cattle. It is a type of a long stick with a pointed end, also known as the cattle prod. ...
  8. A long, pointed stick used to prod animals; To prod with a goad; To encourage or stimulate; To incite or provoke
  9. (goaded) driven by a strong impulse.
  10. (Heb. malmad , only in Jdg 3:31), an instrument used by ploughmen for guiding their oxen. Shamgar slew six hundred Philistines with an ox-goad. "The goad is a formidable weapon. It is sometimes ten feet long, and has a sharp point. ...
  11. to urge a person to action
  12. (v) to urge; spur; prod
  13. v. Past tense of go.
  14. (v) - urge; irritate