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gnaw 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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gnawing, present participle; gnawed, past participle; gnawed, past tense; gnaws, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Bite at or nibble something persistently
    • - picking up the pig's foot, he gnawed at it
  2. Bite at or nibble (something)
    • - she sat gnawing her underlip
  3. (of something painful to the mind or body) Cause persistent and wearing distress or anxiety
    • - the doubts continued to gnaw at me

  1. bite or chew on with the teeth; "gnaw an old cracker"
  2. erode: become ground down or deteriorate; "Her confidence eroded"
  3. Gnaw is a Sharkticon, in the fictional Transformers universe.
  4. To bite something persistently; To produce excessive anxiety or worry
  5. (gnawing) A sensation of being gnawed