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glister 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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glistering, present participle; glistered, past tense; glisters, 3rd person singular present; glistered, past participle;
  1. Sparkle; glitter

  1. A sparkle

  1. glitter: the quality of shining with a bright reflected light
  2. (glistering) aglitter(p): having brief brilliant points or flashes of light; "bugle beads all aglitter"; "glinting eyes"; "glinting water"; "his glittering eyes were cold and malevolent"; "shop window full of glittering Christmas trees"; "glittery costume jewelry"; "scintillant mica"; "the ...
  3. This article lists the vast array of fictional animals found in the Edge Chronicles, a series of young adult books set in a fantasy world created by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell.
  4. A brilliant flash; a glint; To gleam, glisten or coruscate
  5. [1 Chr 29: 2; Lk 9: 29] to shine; to be bright; to sparkle; to be brilliant.