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glean 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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gleaned, past participle; gleaned, past tense; gleans, 3rd person singular present; gleaning, present participle;
  1. Extract (information) from various sources
    • - the information is gleaned from press clippings
  2. Collect gradually and bit by bit
    • - objects gleaned from local markets
  3. Gather (leftover grain or other produce) after a harvest
    • - the conditions of farm workers in the 1890s made gleaning essential

  1. reap: gather, as of natural products; "harvest the grapes"
  2. Gleaning is the act of collecting leftover crops from farmers' fields after they have been commercially harvested or on fields where it is not economically profitable to harvest. Some ancient cultures promoted gleaning as an early form of a welfare system.
  3. To harvest grain left behind after the crop has been reaped; To gather information in small amounts, with implied difficulty, bit by bit
  4. The corners of fields were not to be reaped, and the sheaf accidentally left behind was not to be fetched away, according to the law of Moses (Lev 19:9; Lev 23:22; Deu 24:21). They were to be left for the poor to glean. Similar laws were given regarding vineyards and oliveyards. (Compare Rut 2:2.)
  5. the placenta or after-birth, especially of a cow. The verb denotes the act of shedding the after-birth.
  6. (v) to collect (pick up) patiently — little by little; garner; cull
  7. A method birds use to pick-off insects from trees, branches, structures, or the ground
  8. (2004) (writing credit on one song, producer)