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glamorize 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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glamorised, past participle; glamourized, past participle; glamourized, past tense; glamourizes, 3rd person singular present; glamorising, present participle; glamorized, past tense; glamorizes, 3rd person singular present; glamorized, past participle; glamorizing, present participle; glamorises, 3rd person singular present; glamorised, past tense; glamourises, 3rd person singular present; glamourised, past tense; glamourising, present participle; glamourizing, present participle; glamourised, past participle;
  1. Make (something) seem glamorous or desirable, esp. spuriously so
    • - the lyrics glamorize drugs

  1. romanticize: interpret romantically; "Don't romanticize this uninteresting and hard work!"
  2. make glamorous and attractive; "This new wallpaper really glamorizes the living room!"
  3. (glamorization) the act of glamorizing; making something or someone more beautiful (often in a superficial way)