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glace 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. candied: (used especially of fruits) preserved by coating with or allowing to absorb sugar
  2. A Glacé is a typical Dutch pastry, in the Netherlands better known under the name roze koek ("pink cake"). It consists of a small flat cake with a layer of pink fondant.
  3. To coat with a thin sugar syrup cooked to the “crack” stage.
  4. a stock that has been reduced to a syrupy consistency and used to add flavor and color to a sauce
  5. (glah say): (French) (1) Glazed; coated with icing. (2) Frozen.
  6. A stock that is reduce to the point of a syrup and used as a flavorful sauce.
  7. Glazed, iced, or frosted to cover with a glossy coating
  8. (glahs): A reduced stock with a jellylike consistency, made from brown stock, chicken stock, or fish stock; it is sometimes referred to as "glaze."
  9. This means glazed.  Anything that is iced or frozen or anything having a smooth and glossy surface applied by means of meat glaze, sauce, jelly or sugar.
  10. Crystallized with a sugar syrup. Usually applies to fruits where the fruit is preserved in a heavy sugar syrup.
  11. The French word for ice cream.
  12. Engineered Stones Terrazo Slabs