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girth 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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girths, plural;
  1. Surround; encircle
    • - the four seas that girth Britain
  1. The measurement around the middle of something, esp. a person's waist

  2. A person's middle or stomach, esp. when large

  3. A band attached to a saddle, used to secure it on a horse by being fastened around its belly

  1. the distance around a person's body
  2. cinch: tie a cinch around; "cinch horses"
  3. cinch: stable gear consisting of a band around a horse's belly that holds the saddle in place
  4. Girth is Winters Bane second album. It was released in 1997 as an independent recording. It was later re-released by DCA Recordings with the artist as "Kill Procedure".
  5. Girth were a avant-garde metal band from Seattle, Washington. Dave Webb (guitar) and Peijman Kouretchian (drums) began the band in 2003.
  6. In graph theory, the girth of a graph is the length of a shortest cycle contained in the graph. If the graph does not contain any cycles (i.e. it's an acyclic graph), its girth is defined to be infinity. For example, a 4-cycle (square) has girth 4. ...
  7. The following is a list of episodes for the ABC comedy-drama television series, Pushing Daisies. It premiered on ABC in the United States on October 3, 2007; it premiered in Canada on October 2, 2007 on CTV; and aired in the UK on ITV.
  8. Guns N' Roses (sometimes abbreviated as GN'R or GNR) is an American hard rock band. The band formed in Hollywood, Los Angeles, California in 1985. Led by frontman and co-founder Axl Rose (born William Bruce Rose, Jr. ...
  9. A girth, sometimes called a cinch (Western riding), is a piece of equipment used to keep the saddle in place on a horse or other animal. It passes under the barrel of the equine, usually attached to the saddle on both sides by two or three leather straps called billets. ...
  10. The distance measured around an object; A band passed under the belly of an animal to hold various types of saddles in place
  11. A padded strap which attaches on either side of the saddle of the harness and adjusts to secure the harness.
  12. Girth is defined as the width (rounded to the nearest inch) times two, plus the height (rounded to the nearest inch) times two, measured perpendicular to the length of an item.
  13. The Circumference of the body measured from behind the withers around the barrel or chest.
  14. A special saddle-girth (belly-band) wrapped round the horse body between the withers and elbow, with two fixed handrails for the performer to hold during voltiging. This fixture is used for trick riding.
  15. The width of sheet copper material (in the flat) used to form a gutter.
  16. Measuring the instep, heel, waist and ball of foot, the widest part of shoe.
  17. The width of the blank strip from which a profile is rolled (usually refers to gutters and flashings).
  18. is a measurement that is similar to measuring someone's waist. It is best measured with a fabric ruler (such as tailor uses) or, by drawing a string around the fish at its widest point (perpendicular to the length of the fish) marking where the string overlaps and then measuring the distance ...
  19. a measure around a part of the body or extremity
  20. How round the snake is at the largest point.
  21. The smallest circumferential dimension at the pistol grip of a stock.
  22. The strap around the horse's belly which secures the saddle to the horses back.
  23. Elastic and leather band that passes under a horse's belly and is connected to both sides of the saddle.
  24. A band attached to the saddle, used to secure it on a horse by being fastened around it's belly.
  25. With regards to a 6-sided case, the sum total of the shortest dimension x 2, plus the next to the shortest dimensions x 2, plus the longest dimension. Girth is used to determine size freight-ability.