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A hot fragrant spice made from the rhizome of a plant. It is chopped or powdered for cooking, preserved in syrup, or candied,
  1. (chiefly of hair or fur) Of a light reddish-yellow color

  2. (of a person or animal) Having ginger hair or fur

  1. Flavor with ginger
    • - gingered chicken wings
  2. Stimulate; enliven
    • - she slapped his hand lightly to ginger him up
  1. A hot fragrant spice made from the rhizome of a plant. It is chopped or powdered for cooking, preserved in syrup, or candied

  2. Spirit; mettle
    • - he had more ginger than her first husband
  3. A Southeast Asian plant, which resembles bamboo in appearance, from which this rhizome is taken

  4. A light reddish-yellow color

  1. (used especially of hair or fur) having a bright orange-brown color; "a man with gingery hair and bright blue eyes"; "a ginger kitten"
  2. add ginger to in order to add flavor; "ginger the soup"
  3. perennial plants having thick branching aromatic rhizomes and leafy reedlike stems
  4. dried ground gingerroot
  5. pungent rhizome of the common ginger plant; used fresh as a seasoning especially in Asian cookery
  6. pep: liveliness and energy; "this tonic is guaranteed to give you more pep"
  7. Ginger is a tuber that is consumed whole as a delicacy, medicine, or spice. It is the rhizome of the plant Zingiber officinale. It lends its name to its genus and family (Zingiberaceae). Other notable members of this plant family are turmeric, cardamom, and galangal.
  8. Ginger is an album released by Speedy J in 1993, as part of Warp's Artificial Intelligence series. It is the sixth release in the series. "De-Orbit" also appears on the Artificial Intelligence compilation.
  9. Ginger was a Canadian rock band in the 1990s. The band consisted of Tom Hooper on bass, Chris Hooper on drums and Vincent Jones on keyboards, following the departure of Kevin Kane from their earlier band The Grapes of Wrath. Guitar positions were covered by both Lanny Hussey and Sean Ashby.
  10. Ginger is a children's book by Charlotte Voake. In 1997 it won the Nestlé Smarties Book Prize Gold Award.
  11. The Gebelein predynastic mummies are six naturally mummified bodies, dating to approximately 3400 BC from the Late Predynastic period of Egypt and were the first complete pre-dynastic bodies to be discovered. ...
  12. Ginger was The Beezer's cover star from its first issue until 1961. Pop, Dick and Harry took over the cover for a few years afterwards, but Ginger returned to the front cover in the late 1960s (no later than 1967, as a Beezer front cover with Ginger from that year appears in Classics From the ...
  13. A female given name; a given name reserved for animals having ginger- or orange-coloured fur or feathers
  14. (gingerly) Ginger; Gently; in a delicate or cautious manner
  15. (Gingering) in the Saunders Comprehensive Veterinary Dictionary, 2007 edition, by D.C. Blood, V.P. Studdert and C.C. Gay; published by Elsevier. Accessed online via Answers.Com.
  16. (gingerly) (adv.): carefully; cautiously
  17. (gingerly) (adverb) - with great care or caution; warily  delicately tentatively
  18. (gingerly) (rhymes with, hinge her lee): carefully, cautiously. If you have a sprained foot, you would step on it very gingerly, not wanting to put all your weight on it and make things worse.
  19. (gingerly) Page:  Chapter 8 Pg. 81
  20. Standardized to gingerols. (root - Zingiber officinale): A large tuberous perennial plant native to southern Asia, now cultivated extensively in almost all tropical and subtropical countries, especially China, India, Nigeria, Australia, Jamaica, and Haiti. ...
  21. A root with a peppery, spicy flavor. Ginger is available in fresh root form, ground, crystallized, and candied.
  22. is a warming herb with a pungent aroma and flavor. It enhances all kinds of foods—from confectionery and cakes to savory dishes. It is widely used in the cuisines of the Far East, especially in curries and stir-fries. The roots can be purchased fresh and kept frozen for an extended period of time.
  23. Zingiber officianale. An herb with a root that has been used in cooking, and by some cultures to treat nausea, vomiting and certain other medical conditions. It is being studied in the treatment of nausea and vomiting caused by cancer chemotherapy.
  24. is one of the oldest known spices. Both fresh and dried are commonly used in Indian cooking. Its flavour is slightly hot with a crisp bite. It is used in a wide variety of ways in both sweet and savoury dishes.
  25. is a stimulant, and aids in the utilization of other herbs. Ginger inhibits inflammation, breaks down protein, stimulates liver function, and is a tonic for the heart. It is effective for nausea, breaking fevers, and for motion sickness. ...