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germinate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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germinating, present participle; germinated, past tense; germinated, past participle; germinates, 3rd person singular present;
  1. (of a seed or spore) Begin to grow and put out shoots after a period of dormancy

  2. Cause (a seed or spore) to sprout in such a way

  3. Come into existence and develop
    • - the idea germinated and slowly grew into an obsession

  1. shoot: produce buds, branches, or germinate; "the potatoes sprouted"
  2. evolve: work out; "We have developed a new theory of evolution"
  3. cause to grow or sprout; "the plentiful rain germinated my plants"
  4. (germination) the process whereby seeds or spores sprout and begin to grow
  5. (germination) the origin of some development; "the germination of their discontent"
  6. Germination is the process in which a plant or fungus emerges from a seed or spore and begins growth. The most common example of germination is the sprouting of a seedling from a seed of an angiosperm or gymnosperm. ...
  7. To sprout or produce buds; To cause to grow
  8. (germination) The process of germinating; the beginning of vegetation or growth from a seed or spore; the first development of germs, either animal or vegetable
  9. (germination) jer-muh-NAY-shun/ The initial growth of a seed or spore.
  10. (germination) When something begins to grow, as when a seed sprouts into a new plant.
  11. (Germination) The emergence of a new plant from a seed
  12. (in  germination (botany))
  13. (Germination) The stage at which a seed first begins to sprout.
  14. (germination) In bacteria or fungi, the process by which a spore gives rise to a vegetative cell or hypha. (16)
  15. (GERMINATION) When the seed breaks its dormancy and begins to grow. It’s generally a combination of water, warmth and air that makes this take place. ...
  16. (Germination) Barley (or other brewing grains) must first germinate and subsequently be kilned before they can be used for brewing.
  17. (Germination) Growth of a barley grain as it produces a rootlet and acrospire.
  18. (Germination) Is the process by which a bonsai seeds leaves the dormant state starts into growth, developing roots and shoots.
  19. (Germination) Part of the malting process where the acrospire grows and begins to erupt from the hull.
  20. (Germination) Sprouting of the root and shoot from a seed when environmental conditions are favorable.
  21. (Germination) The initiation of growth in a seed when dormancy is broken.
  22. (Germination) The sprouting of a seed. An improbable outcome dependent upon variables of temperature, moisture, light, soil, seedbed, and season.
  23. (Germination) When the shoots start to appear after new seed is sown.
  24. (Germination) is the physical and chemical changes that occur as a seed begins to develop into a young shoot.
  25. (Germination) the activation of a seed causing it to start to grow; also the production of a pollen tube by a pollen grain