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genuflect 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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genuflected, past participle; genuflected, past tense; genuflects, 3rd person singular present; genuflecting, present participle;
  1. Lower one's body briefly by bending one knee to the ground, typically in worship or as a sign of respect
    • - she genuflected and crossed herself
  2. Show deference or servility
    • - politicians had to genuflect to the far left to advance their careers

  1. bend the knees and bow in church or before a religious superior or image
  2. scrape: bend the knees and bow in a servile manner
  3. Genuflection (or genuflexion), bending at least one knee to the ground, was from early times a gesture of deep respect for a superior. In 328 BC, Alexander the Great introduced into his court etiquette some form of genuflection already in use in Persia. ...
  4. Genuflect is a band composed of former members of 7th Rail Crew, Asystole, and Reveille. In 2005, former founding Reveille members reunited for their new project, The word Genuflect literally means "To bow or kneel before God. ...
  5. (Genuflecting) move your right foot back and touch your right knee to the floor, keeping your back straight and your hands folded in front of you (or on your left knee to keep your balance), Then stand back up. Your right knee should have touched the floor near your left heel. ...
  6. bend the knee and lower the body, especially in reverence.
  7. Sign begins like STAND and the DHFTs are bent into [V:].
  8. The act of bending the right knee as an indication of reverence.
  9. A gesture of reverence or worship. One knee goes down to the floor and the other knee remains bent. It is traditional to genuflect in front of the Blessed Sacrament (bread which has been consecrated during Mass) and before entering a church pew. ...