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gazette 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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gazettes, plural;
  1. Announce or publish in an official gazette

  1. (used in the names of periodicals) A journal or newspaper

  2. The official publication of a government organization or institution, listing appointments and other public notices

  1. publish in a gazette
  2. a newspaper or official journal
  3. A gazette is a newspaper.
  4. The Gazette is a daily newspaper published in the American city of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The first paper was published as an evening journal, as the Evening Gazette on Wednesday January 10, 1883 and sold for 3¢; it presently sells for 75¢. ...
  5. The Gazette (formerly the Near West Gazette and then Near South Gazette) is a monthly newspaper covering the Near West/Tri-Taylor, University Village, West Loop, South Loop, West Haven, Bridgeport/Armour Square, Chinatown, Bronzeville, West Town, and Heart of Chicago communities of Chicago, ...
  6. The Gazette is a newspaper based in Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States. It is published daily by Irvine, California-based Freedom Communications. It is the second largest daily newspaper in the chain and has the second largest circulation in Colorado, behind the Denver Post.
  7. The Gazette (not to be confused with the Maryland Gazette) publishes weekly community newspapers serving Montgomery, Frederick, Prince George's and Carroll counties in Maryland, including a subscription-based weekend edition covering business and politics throughout the state. ...
  8. The Gazette, often called the Montreal Gazette to avoid ambiguity, is the only English-language daily newspaper published in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, with three other daily English newspapers all having shut down at different times during the second half of the 20th century.
  9. The Gazette is the official newspaper of Memorial University of Newfoundland, located in St. John's, Newfoundland.
  10. The official journal of the University, published weekly in term time and at other intervals in the vacations, in which information on the University’s formal business, including changes to Statutes and Regulations and meetings of Congregation, must be published. ...
  11. The Gazette is the official newspaper of the Government of New Zealand. Regulations are notified in the Gazette after they are made, but before they come into force. The date of notification is given at the end of the Regulations, under the Administrative information or the Gazette information.
  12. the London Gazette, founded in 1665, where formal announcements, including bankruptcies, are listed. Dickens uses appearance in the Gazette as synonymous with bankruptcy.
  13. Official Government (both Provincial and Federal) publication in which public notices and statutory regulations are advertised. Published by Queen's Printer.
  14. Porcelain screen or rack. Wafer of un- fired porcelain is placed on screen or rack, along with greenware heads, for firing. GESSO. Fine plaster used to give a good surface for painting.
  15. The Gazette or London Gazette is the official daily newspaper of record which contains various statutory notices and advertisements in respect of companies registered in England and Wales.
  16. The Balochistan Gazette.
  17. You’re reading it, dummy!
  18. (Montreal), 6 Feb 1931