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gavotte 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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gavottes, plural;
  1. A medium-paced French dance, popular in the 18th century

  2. A piece of music accompanying or in the rhythm of such a dance, composed in common time beginning on the third beat of the bar

  1. an old formal French dance in quadruple time
  2. music composed in quadruple time for dancing the gavotte
  3. The gavotte (also gavot or gavote) originated as a French folk dance, taking its name from the Gavot people of the Pays de Gap region of Dauphiné, where the dance originated. It is notated in 4/4 or 2/2 time and is of moderate tempo. ...
  4. A moderate to fast duple time dance with a time signature of 2. It has a long upbeat of half a bar.
  5. a Baroque dance of French peasant origin that is sometimes included in instrumental suites.
  6. (fr.) - Frenche Dance in 4/4, 17th/18th century, still alive in the Bretagne, rather quick  [back]
  7. A gracious Baroque dance in duple meter.
  8. noun - 1. a seventeenth-century dance like the minuet, but faster and livlier 2. the music for this, in 4/4 time
  9. 17-18 century French folk dance in double time that exists in both folk forms and historical court forms.
  10. A French dance in moderate 4/4 time, also optional in the Baroque Suite
  11. This dance comes from France. During the 16th Century it was customary for the leading couple to kiss each other and everyone else in the room at the end of their special "Shine". It finally became a stage dance. ...