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garrote 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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garotted, past participle; garotted, past tense; garroting, present participle; garroted, past participle; garrottes, 3rd person singular present; garrotted, past tense; garotting, present participle; garrotted, past participle; garottes, 3rd person singular present; garroted, past tense; garrotting, present participle; garrotes, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Kill (someone) by strangulation, typically with an iron collar or a length of wire or cord
    • - he had been garroted with piano wire
  1. A wire, cord, or apparatus used for such a killing

  1. an instrument of execution for execution by strangulation
  2. strangle with an iron collar; "people were garrotted during the Inquisition in Spain"
  3. A garrote or garrote vil (a Spanish word; alternative spellings include garotte and garrotte) is a handheld weapon, most often referring to a ligature of chain, rope, scarf, wire or fishing line used to strangle someone. ...
  4. a cord or wire device, sometimes with handles or in the form of a noose, used in covert operations to strangle ("scrag") an enemy; also called "commando necktie", "Singapore sling", "Thuggee cord", or "mafia rosary", as derived from the collar used in Spanish capital punishment; also spelled " ...
  5. a method of capital punishment of Spanish origin in which an iron collar is tightened around a condemned person’s neck until death occurs by strangulation or by injury to the spinal column at the base of the brain; strangulation or throttling, especially in the course of a robbery. ...