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gall 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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galls, plural;
  1. Make (someone) feel annoyed
    • - he knew he was losing, and it galled him
  2. Make sore by rubbing
    • - the straps galled their shoulders
  1. An abnormal growth formed on plants and trees, esp. oaks, in response to the presence of insect larvae, mites, or fungi

  2. Denoting insects or mites that produce such growths
    • - gall flies

  1. chafe: become or make sore by or as if by rubbing
  2. saddle sore: an open sore on the back of a horse caused by ill-fitting or badly adjusted saddle
  3. a skin sore caused by chafing
  4. irritate or vex; "It galls me that we lost the suit"
  5. abnormal swelling of plant tissue caused by insects or microorganisms or injury
  6. resentment: a feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will
  7. Galls are outgrowths on the surface of lifeforms caused by invasion by other lifeforms, such as parasites or bacterial infection. Plant galls are abnormal outgrowths of plant tissues and can be caused by various parasites, from fungi and bacteria, to insects and mites. ...
  8. Gall (c. 1840 - 1894) Lakota Phizí,Pronounced as / phi-zí /. See Lakota language. (gall bladder) was a battle leader of the Hunkpapa Lakota in the long war against the United States. He was one of the commanders in the Battle of Little Bighorn.
  9. Ealor is a planet in the Bysis system. It is home to the graivehs, and covered with grasslands and temperate forests.
  10. Bile, especially that of an animal; the greenish, profoundly bitter-tasting fluid found in bile ducts and gall bladders, structures associated with the liver; The gall bladder; Great misery or physical suffering, likened to the bitterest-tasting of substances; A bump-like imperfection ...
  11. (Galls) An abnormal plant growth on leaves, branches, or roots that is caused by irritation from an insect, a fungus or a virus.
  12. (Galls) Parasitic growths, commonly found on oaks, which, when dried, ground, and dissolved were useful indicators for iron.
  13. (galls) Structures induced in a plant by a parasite (e.g., a bacterium or an insect) that nurture that parasite.
  14. a swelling or outgrowth produced by a plant as a result of attack by a fungus, insect, nematode, etc.
  15. Localized swelling or outgrowth of plant tissue, often formed in response to the action of a pathogen or other pest.
  16. A swollen part of a plant, because an insect larva (baby insect) is living inside it. Some species of wasps and flies inject their eggs into plant stems or leaves. The plant keeps growing, forming a ball-shaped gall around the egg. When the larva hatches, it eats its way out. ...
  17. hard, sometimes unusual-shaped swelling on a plant formed in response to attack from certain insects, mites or fungi.
  18. A growth that forms on a plant surrounding certain wasp eggs.
  19. Growth caused by an insect on a plant. It is used for protection and food.
  20. An abnormal growth of tissue formed in response by the tree to an attack by certain insects, fungi, bacteria etc
  21. translates two Heb. words: (1) mererah, which stands for bile; (2) rosh, a bitter plant associated with wormwood, and growing "in the furrows of the field" (Osee, x, 4; D. V. "bitterness"), identified with: poison hemlock (A. V., Hos. ...
  22. An abnormal plant growth, swelling or tumor induced by another organism such as an insect.
  23. An abnormal growth or corky localised swelling of a plant part (leaves, shoots or roots) caused by a fungus, bacterium, nematode, insect or some other organisms. Insects like gall mites, aphids, gall wasps, and gall midges and the root knot nematode produce galls on plant parts.
  24. The bulbous growths that form on the leaves and twigs of trees in response to attack by parasites; collected from oak, oak-apple and pistachio trees. ...
  25. Abnormal growths on plants caused by various organisms, insects, nemetodes, fungi, bacteria and viruses.