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gaggle 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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gaggles, plural;
  1. A flock of geese

  2. A disorderly or noisy group of people
    • - the gaggle of reporters and photographers that dogged his every step

  1. a flock of geese
  2. make a noise characteristic of a goose; "Cackling geese"
  3. A gaggle is a term of venery for a flock of geese that isn't in flight; in flight, the group can be called a skein.
  4. A group of geese when they are on the ground or on the water; Any group or gathering of related things; bunch; To cackle (like geese)
  5. Often thought to mean an unorganized group of soldiers, this term actually refers to a loose group of airborne things headed in the same general direction. Thus, a gaggle of gnats; a gaggle of B-52s, a gaggle of ICBMs, a gaggle of artillery shells.
  6. a disorderly or disorganized group, as a ROUTE STEP formation or an uncoordinated unit movement, also known as host, horde, flock, herd, swarm, drove, or throng; see STUTTER-STEP, DITTY-BOP, SEAT OF THE PANTS, CLUSTER FUCK, ROUT, ORDER. ...
  7. A group of helicopters flying on a mission; the troops within were sometimes called “sky soldiers.”
  8. who’s in it? how does it work? what does it mean?
  9. A groupe of pilots flying together in a thermal.
  10. A group of sailplanes circling tightly and sharing a thermal to climb in.
  11. A group of loosely organized fighters.