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futility 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Pointlessness or uselessness,
  1. Pointlessness or uselessness
    • - the horror and futility of war

  1. uselessness as a consequence of having no practical result
  2. (futile) producing no result or effect; "a futile effort"; "the therapy was ineffectual"; "an otiose undertaking"; "an unavailing attempt"
  3. (futile) bootless: unproductive of success; "a fruitless search"; "futile years after her artistic peak"; "a sleeveless errand"; "a vain attempt"
  4. Futility is Dååth's first (and only) self-released album. The cover painting was created by .
  5. Futility, or the Wreck of the Titan was an 1898 novella written by Morgan Robertson. The story features the ocean liner Titan, which sinks in the North Atlantic after striking an iceberg. ...
  6. Futility is a poem by Wilfred Owen, possibly the most renowned poet of the First World War. The poem is well-known for the fact that it is an unusual departure from his style of including disturbing and graphic images in his poems, and instead having an oddly soothing feel to it.
  7. (Futile (Porcupine Tree)) Futile is a promotional EP by British progressive rock band Porcupine Tree, released in July 2003 through Lava Records. It was released in conjunction with Porcupine Tree's North American tour with Opeth, July-August 2003.
  8. The quality of being futile or useless; Something, especially an act, that is futile; Unimportance
  9. (futile) Incapable of producing results; useless; not successful; not worth attempting
  10. (Futile) means "trivial or insignificant" (Fútil) in Spanish
  11. (futile) (adj) - useless, hopeless, ineffectual
  12. (futile) (fytl, fytl) adj. 1. Having no useful result. 2. Trifling and frivolous; idle: the futile years after her artistic peak.
  13. (futile) inútil; vano; infructuoso
  14. (futile) successful, effective
  15. a situation where health care teams believe, according to their clinical judgment, that current or future medical procedures would be inappropriate for a patient because those procedures would offer little or no benefit.
  16. [fyoo-til-i-tee] - noun. The quality of being futile; ineffectiveness; uselessness. The turtle realized the futility of escaping the bucket after a handful of unsuccessful attempts to climb out.
  17. (n.): feeling of being ineffective; uselessness, hopelessness