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funnel 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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funnels, plural;
  1. Guide or channel (something) through or as if through a funnel
    • - some $12.8 billion was funneled through the Marshall Plan
  2. Move or be guided through or as if through a funnel
    • - the wind funneled down through the valley
  3. Assume the shape of a funnel by widening or narrowing at the end
    • - the crevice funneled out
  1. A tube or pipe that is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, used for guiding liquid or powder into a small opening

  2. A thing resembling such a tube or pipe in shape or function
    • - a funnel of light fell from a circular ceiling
  3. A metal chimney on a ship or steam engine

  1. a conical shape with a wider and a narrower opening at the two ends
  2. move or pour through a funnel; "funnel the liquid into the small bottle"
  3. a conically shaped utensil having a narrow tube at the small end; used to channel the flow of substances into a container with a small mouth
  4. (nautical) smokestack consisting of a shaft for ventilation or the passage of smoke (especially the smokestack of a ship)
  5. In Computer Science, a funnel is a synchronization primitive used in kernel development to protect system resources. ...
  6. A chimney is a structure for venting hot flue gases or smoke from a boiler, stove, furnace or fireplace to the outside atmosphere. ...
  7. (Funnels (laboratory)) Laboratory funnels are funnels that have been made for use in the chemical laboratory. There are many different kinds of funnels that have been adapted for these specialized applications. ...
  8. A utensil of the shape of an inverted hollow cone, terminating below in a pipe, and used for conveying liquids etc. ...
  9. (Funnels) In some devices, the deposited charge which contributes to the SEU is apparently augmented by ionization from regions outside of the nominal sensitive volume. This phenomenon is known as "funneling", and its calculation is a simple modification to the standard RPP formalism. ...
  10. (Funnels) Series of steps a visitor completes to reach an end goal. Google Analytics allows you to indicate up to ten pages in each funnel definition. Creating funnels can show you where visitors abandon the process during the path to conversion.
  11. A funnel occurs when one or more skydivers find themselves in an unstable body position and end up in a skydivers burble. The resulting loss of stability for the other skydivers usually causes the formation to break up.
  12. The ship's smokestack. Some funnels have a "winged" upper portion to help send any exhaust particulates away from passenger decks.
  13. used for adding oil to the motor.
  14. A rotating funnel-shaped cloud extending downward from a thunderstorm base.
  15. A cup-shaped object tapering at the bottom to a small hole and a spout, used for pouring oil, fuel or water into relatively small openings
  16. oftimes of copper construction were employed when transferring fuel from the service can to the canteen and could also be used for filling the foot and flying torches
  17. The strategic manner in which players concentrate their efforts on achieving the goal as they advance from their field positions closer toward the goal.
  18. embudo; chimenea; canalizar; verter por un embudo; dirigirse
  19. part of a steam ship that was used as a smokestack.
  20. Twice a year the Legislature has a self-imposed deadline for legislation to remain alive in the session. By the first funnel date, typically in February, most bills must have been approved by a committee in their chamber of origin to receive further consideration. ...
  21. Skydive formation or launch which collapse
  22. A large over size neck shape, stands away from the neck. Similar to the turtle neck but larger. Unlike the polo neck in that it doesn t roll or fold over. examples
  23. A funnel is a route through a site that ends in a conversion event. You can define these in the Mtracking Customer Portal.
  24. In web marketing, a path of elements or pages created to encourage conversions. Even if not set up in the structure of a website or landing page, tracking funnels can be created in analytics to analyze traffic patterns and locate opportunities for improvement on the website.
  25. A path which visitors follow before arriving at a “goal” page or completing a specific action.  In Google Analytics you can create funnels which have up to 10 pages.