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fritter 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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frittered, past participle; frittering, present participle; fritters, 3rd person singular present; frittered, past tense;
  1. Waste time, money, or energy on trifling matters
    • - I wish we hadn't frittered the money away so easily
  2. Dwindle; diminish
    • - the day fritters
  3. Divide (something) into small pieces
    • - they become frittered into minute tatters
  1. A piece of fruit, vegetable, or meat that is coated in batter and deep-fried

  1. spend frivolously and unwisely; "Fritter away one's inheritance"
  2. small quantity of fried batter containing fruit or meat or vegetables
  3. A fritter is any kind of food coated in batter and deep fried. Although very similar to a doughnut it differs in the fact that it requires some base ingredient beyond the dough it is cooked with.
  4. A dish made by deep-frying food coated in batter; To occupy oneself idly or without clear purpose, to tinker with an unimportant part of a project, to dally, sometimes as a form of procrastination
  5. (Fritters) Small cakes made with a primary ingredient, mixed with batter and fried, are found in many American cuisines. "Corn fritters" and "apple fritters" are well known. Fritters may use regular flour, cornmeal, or a mix. ...
  6. Any food coated with a batter or crumbs and deep-fried.
  7. Sweet or savoury food coated or mixed into batter, then deep-fried.
  8. (1) A small cake of fried batter sometimes containing fruit or other food. (2)Bits of blubber remaining after rendering, or trying; used as fuel for the rendering process on whale ships.
  9. Food that has been mixed with a batter and deep fried or sauteed. Fritters may be made with vegetables, fruit, or sometimes meat or shellfish.
  10. worked in the pottery industry, mixed ingredients for glaze.
  11. Pieces of fruit, such as apples, that are dipped in batter and then deep fried. The fritter is normally served hot and dusted with confectioners’ sugar.
  12. Meat, fish, fruit or vegetable covered in batter or breadcrumbs and deep-fried.
  13. buñuelo; desperdiciar
  14. Food dipped into or combined with batter and fried.