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frill 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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frills, plural;
  1. A strip of gathered or pleated material sewn by one side onto a garment or larger piece of material as a decorative edging or ornament

  2. A thing resembling such a strip in appearance or function
    • - a frill of silver hair surrounded a shining bald pate
  3. A natural fringe of feathers or hair on a bird or other animal

  4. An upward-curving bony plate extending behind the skull of many ceratopsian dinosaurs

  5. An unnecessary extra feature or embellishment
    • - it was just a comfortable apartment with no frills

  1. (paleontology) a bony plate that curves upward behind the skull of many ceratopsian dinosaurs
  2. an external body part consisting of feathers or hair about the neck of a bird or other animal
  3. a strip of pleated material used as a decoration or a trim
  4. folderal: ornamental objects of no great value
  5. (frilled) having decorative ruffles or frills
  6. In sewing and dressmaking, a ruffle, frill, or furbelow is a strip of fabric, lace or ribbon tightly gathered or pleated on one edge and applied to a garment, bedding, or other textile as a form of trimming. ...
  7. (frilling) the method of killing trees by inflicting a series of cuts around the bole and applying an herbicide to the wounds. Frilling or girdling can be used to reduce the density of a stand or to kill individual undesirable trees.
  8. (Frilling) wrinkling and separation of the emulsion along the edges of its support material.
  9. (frilling) describes (indirect film) gelatin emulsion which is falling off of its polyester base due to lateral swelling in the hardening bath, caused by weak chemistry or too high temperature.
  10. Long, soft or silky hair hanging down from throat and chest (e.g Japanese Chin).
  11. A fancy move that is added to or substituted for the standard way of doing a call that has the same effect but is more fun. Frills that involve other dancers usually have some built-in signal so that you only do it if both dancers are ready and both know the particular frill. ...
  12. When fabric is either gathered or pleated and attached to an edge for decoration.
  13. Line of reversed feathers on the neck or crop.
  14. The fur around the head that is brushed up to form a frame for the cat's face.
  15. Long chest hair beneath the neck. Apron.
  16. Formed between the apron and the mane, a ridge composed of hair (long or short, depending on breed) that stretches down the sides of the neck from the ear base towards the prosternum.
  17. Lengthened fur around the neck and chest of a longhaired cat, also called the "ruff"