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frazzle 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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frazzled, past tense; frazzled, past participle; frazzles, 3rd person singular present; frazzling, present participle;
  1. Cause to feel completely exhausted; wear out
    • - a frazzled parent
  2. Fray
    • - change the skirt if it gets frazzled
    • - it's enough to frazzle the nerves
  1. The state of being completely exhausted or worn out
    • - I'm tired, worn to a frazzle

  1. a state of extreme exhaustion; "he was worn to a frazzle"
  2. fray: wear away by rubbing; "The friction frayed the sleeve"
  3. exhaust physically or emotionally; "She was frazzled after the visit of her in-laws"
  4. Frazzle is the only Muppet monster intended to be "scary" in the children's television series Sesame Street. During the late-1980s to early-1990s, his career was limited to that of a background extra, due to his creepy annoying appearance. He was often put on lawns to scare children away
  5. Frazzles are a bacon flavoured corn based snack sold in the UK, once manufactured by Smiths, now by Walkers. However the Smiths logo does still appears on the packet due to various ownership reasons. The packet has kept to the same brown background with yellow writing style throughout the years. ...
  6. To fray or wear down, especially at the edges; To drain emotionally or physically
  7. “to frazzle” means to get so nervous during a match that you can barely see straight.
  8. agotar; rendir; reventar
  9. Jerry Nelson (1971–1983), Martin P. Robinson (1997–1998)