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fraction 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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fractions, plural;
  1. A numerical quantity that is not a whole number (e.g., 1/2, 0.5)

  2. A small or tiny part, amount, or proportion of something
    • - he hesitated for a fraction of a second
    • - her eyes widened a fraction
  3. A dissenting group within a larger one

  4. Each of the portions into which a mixture may be separated by a process in which the individual components behave differently according to their physical properties

  5. (in the Christian Church) The breaking of the Eucharistic bread

  1. a component of a mixture that has been separated by a fractional process
  2. divide: perform a division; "Can you divide 49 by seven?"
  3. a small part or item forming a piece of a whole
  4. the quotient of two rational numbers
  5. (fractionate) separate into constituents or fractions containing concentrated constituents
  6. Fraction was a six-issue comic from DC Comics in 2004, in which four men in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania steal the components of a powerful battle suit. The series was written by David Tischman, with art by Timothy Green II and covers by Tomer Hanuka.
  7. A fraction (from the Latin ', broken) is a number that can represent part of a whole. The earliest fractions were reciprocals of integers: ancient symbols representing one part of two, one part of three, one part of four, and so on. ...
  8. A parliamentary group, parliamentary party, or parliamentary caucus is a group consisting of members of the same political party or electoral fusion of parties in a legislative assembly such as a parliament or a city council. ...
  9. The Fraction is the ceremonial act of breaking the consecrated bread during the Eucharistic rite in some Christian denominations.
  10. A part of a whole, especially a comparatively small part; A ratio of two integers, the numerator and the denominator, usually written one above the other and separated by a vinculum (horizontal bar); A component of a mixture, separated by fractionation; In a eucharistic service, the breaking ...
  11. (fractionate) To separate (a mixture) into its individual constituents by exploiting differences in some chemical or physical property, such as boiling point, particle size, solubility etc
  12. (Fractioned) To separate chemically into fractions by distillation, crystallization, etc.
  13. (Fractions) the radiotherapy dose is divided into a number of smaller doses to reduce the risk of side effects. There is normally one fraction per day.
  14. (Fractions) The result of the differential extraction; separating sperm cells from all other DNA material.
  15. (Fractions) Clocking of time at intervals in races or workouts.
  16. (Fractions) Intermediate times recorded in a race. For example, "quarter time" is the recorded after the first quarter-mile, not the first 25% of the race.
  17. (Fractions) A race’s internal time splits, measured at regular intervals such as a furlong.
  18. (Fractions) In this context; it is used as a portion or small part of a whole; e.g. albumin is a blood fraction
  19. (Fractions) Refiner's term for the portions of oils containing a number of hydrocarbon compounds but within certain boiling ranges, separated from other portions in fractional distillation. They are distinguished from pure compounds which have specified boiling temperatures.
  20. (Fractions) The cents left over after TAB dividends are rounded down to the lower 10 cents.
  21. (Fractions) The name given to each radiotherapy treatment.
  22. (Fractions) of a whole smaller than "half" are expressed by the structure sg. , pl. .
  23. (Fractions) the smaller, divided doses of radiation that are given each day
  24. (Fractions) used as subjects in a sentence may be either singular or plural. They are singular when they refer to a unit as a whole; they are plural when they refer to individual members of the unit.
  25. (Fracted) (fract'-ed) Having a part displaced, as a chevron fracted.