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formalize 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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formalizes, 3rd person singular present; formalized, past tense; formalized, past participle; formalising, present participle; formalised, past participle; formalised, past tense; formalizing, present participle; formalises, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Give (something) legal or formal status

  2. Give (something) a definite structure or shape
    • - we became able to formalize our thoughts

  1. make formal or official; "We formalized the appointment and gave him a title"
  2. validate: declare or make legally valid
  3. (formalized) formalistic: concerned with or characterized by rigorous adherence to recognized forms (especially in religion or art); "highly formalized plays like `Waiting for Godot'"
  4. (formalized) given formal standing or endorsement; made official or legitimate by the observance of proper procedures
  5. (formalization) the act of making formal (as by stating formal rules governing classes of expressions)
  6. (Formalization) In formal logic, a formal system (also called a logical calculus) consists of a formal language and a set of inference rules, used to derive (to conclude) an expression from one or more other premises that are antecedently supposed (axioms) or derived (theorems). ...
  7. To give something a definite form; to shape; To give something a formal or official standing; To act with formality
  8. (formalization) The degree to which the organization has official rules, regulations, and procedures.
  9. (Formalization) The written documentation used to direct and control employees.
  10. formalizar; mostrarse ceremonioso