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forearm 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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forearms, plural;
  1. Prepare (someone) in advance for danger, attack, or another undesirable future event

  1. The part of a person's arm extending from the elbow to the wrist or the fingertips

  1. the part of the superior limb between the elbow and the wrist
  2. arm in advance of a confrontation
  3. In firearms, the forearm (also known as handguard or forestock) is a section of the weapon between the receiver and the muzzle. It is used to hold the firearm steady and is usually made out of wood or composite material. ...
  4. The Mutant Liberation Front, or MLF, is a Marvel Comics supervillain group, primarily enemies of X-Force. Created by writer Louise Simonson and artist/co-writer Rob Liefeld, the original MLF first fully appeared in The New Mutants #87 (March 1990).
  5. The Xavier Institute is a fictional school in the X-Men universe. This list documents the fictional staff, students and alumni of the Institute.
  6. The part of the stock that lies under the barrel.
  7. The arms are held past the wrist but not past the elbow joint. Each dancer places the hand on the inside of the arm of the person with whom he is to work. The fingers and thumb are held in close. ...
  8. Running from elbow to knee
  9. Alternatively fore-end. Covers the barrel or area in front of the receiver to allow for a more comfortable grip of the weak-hand on the weapon.
  10. Location The clavicular head of the pectoralis major takes its origin from the anterior surface of the medial half of the clavicle. ...