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forbear 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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forbore, past tense; forbearing, present participle; forbears, 3rd person singular present; forborne, past participle;
  1. Politely or patiently restrain an impulse to do something; refrain
    • - the boy forbore from touching anything
    • - he modestly forbears to include his own work
  2. Refrain from doing or using (something)
    • - Rebecca could not forbear a smile

  1. forebear: a person from whom you are descended
  2. refrain from doing; "she forbore a snicker"
  3. refrain: resist doing something; "He refrained from hitting him back"; "she could not forbear weeping"
  4. (forbearance) patience: good-natured tolerance of delay or incompetence
  5. (forbearance) a delay in enforcing rights or claims or privileges; refraining from acting; "his forbearance to reply was alarming"
  6. (forbearing) showing patient and unruffled self-control and restraint under adversity; slow to retaliate or express resentment; "seemly and forbearing...yet strong enough to resist aggression"; "was longanimous in the face of suffering"
  7. (Forbearance) In the context of a mortgage process, forbearance is a special agreement between the lender and the borrower to delay a foreclosure. The literal meaning of forbearance is “holding back.”
  8. Alternative spelling of forebear; To keep away from; to avoid; to abstain from; to give up; To refrain from proceeding; to pause; to delay; To refuse; to decline; to give no heed; To control oneself when provoked
  9. (forbearance) Restraint under provocation; A refraining from the enforcement of something (as a debt, right, or obligation) that is due
  10. (forbearing) Characterized by patience and indulgence; long-suffering: as, a forbearing temper
  11. (Forbearance) A postponement of loan payments, granted by a lender or creditor, for a temporary period of time. This is done to give the borrower time to make up for overdue payments.
  12. (Forbearance) Lender voluntarily accepts lower payments than originally agreed to in loan documents for a specific time period to allow borrower to recover financially; borrower eventually must repay missing or reduced payments and all other remaining payments on loan.
  13. (Forbearance) Specified amount of time in which a loan does not need to be paid back; usually used by students who don’t qualify for deferment but are unable to make loan payments.
  14. (Forbearance) a course of action a lender may pursue to delay foreclosure or legal action against a delinquent borrower
  15. (Forbearance) The act by the lender of refraining from taking legal action on a mortgage loan that is delinquent.
  16. (Forbearance) The lender’s postponement of legal action when a borrower is delinquent.  It is usually granted when a borrower makes satisfactory arrangements to bring the overdue mortgage payments up to date.
  17. (Forbearance) Permitting the temporary cessation of repayments of loans, allowing an extension of time for making loan payments, or accepting smaller loan payments than were previously scheduled.
  18. (Forbearance) Grace period given when a lender postpones foreclosure to give the borrower time to catch up on overdue payments.
  19. (Forbearance) The postponement for a limited time of a portion or all the payments on a loan when a borrower is delinquent.
  20. (Forbearance) Your lender may offer a temporary reduction or suspension of your mortgage payments while you get back on your feet. Forbearance is often combined with a reinstatement or a repayment plan to pay off the missed or reduced mortgage payments.
  21. (Forbearance) An agreement in which your lender revises your payment plan to help you get current and avoid foreclosure. This may involve lowering your monthly payments or suspending them for a given period. ...
  22. (Forbearance) A temporary agreement between the lender and student to reduce or postpone student loan payments for a specific period of time. Generally, a lender can grant forbearance for 12 months at a time, for a maximum of 3 years, based on supporting documentation.
  23. (Forbearance) The act by which a creditor extends time for payment of a debt or forgoes for a time the right to enforce legal action on the debt or the legal process used to force the payment of a debt secured by collateral whereby the property is sold to satisfy the debt.
  24. (forbearance) The act of refraining from doing (or promising not to do) something that a person has a legal right to do.
  25. (Forbearance) The waiving of a covenant in a mortgage document.