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foment 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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fomenting, present participle; fomented, past tense; foments, 3rd person singular present; fomented, past participle;
  1. Instigate or stir up (an undesirable or violent sentiment or course of action)
    • - they accused him of fomenting political unrest
  2. Bathe (a part of the body) with warm or medicated lotions

  1. agitate: try to stir up public opinion
  2. bathe with warm water or medicated lotions; "His legs should be fomented"
  3. To incite or cause troublesome acts; to encourage; to instigate; To apply a poultice to; to bathe with a cloth or sponge
  4. fo·ment (fo-mčntą) verb, transitive fo·ment·ed, fo·ment·ing, fo·ments 1. To promote the growth of; incite. 2. To treat (the skin, for example) by fomentation. ...
  5. to stir up, to instigate
  6. To help something grow.