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fluster 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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flustering, present participle; flustered, past tense; flusters, 3rd person singular present; flustered, past participle;
  1. Make (someone) agitated or confused
    • - you need to be able to work under pressure and not get flustered
  1. An agitated or confused state
    • - the main thing is not to get all in a fluster

  1. be flustered; behave in a confused manner
  2. perturbation: a disposition that is confused or nervous and upset
  3. cause to be nervous or upset
  4. (flustered) thrown into a state of agitated confusion; (`rattled' is an informal term)
  5. To confuse, befuddle, throw into panic by making overwrought with confusion
  6. Funnelback's Fluster Cluster engine, a feature available in the Funnelback Search Engine, which provides users with a set of related sub topics (clusters) related to their search terms. The clusters allow users to determine search refinement suggestions derived from the content. ...
  7. confusión; agitación; aturdimiento; aturullar; poner nervioso; aturdir; agitar; confundir; achispar; encender