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flit 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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flitted, past participle; flitting, present participle; flits, 3rd person singular present; flitted, past tense;
  1. Move swiftly and lightly
    • - small birds flitted about in the branches
    • - the idea had flitted through his mind
  2. Leave one's home or move, typically secretly so as to escape creditors or obligations

  1. An act of leaving one's home or moving, typically secretly so as to escape creditors or obligations
    • - moonlight flits from one insalubrious dwelling to another

  1. a sudden quick movement
  2. move along rapidly and lightly; skim or dart; "The hummingbird flitted among the branches"
  3. a secret move (to avoid paying debts); "they did a moonlight flit"
  4. Flit is the brand name for an insecticide.
  5. Flit (Фліт) is a Ukrainian punk rock band that was formed in 2001 in Ivano-Frankivsk.
  6. A fluttering or darting movement; A particular, unexpected, short lived change of state; A homosexual; To move about rapidly and nimbly; To move quickly from one location to another; To unpredictably change state for short periods of time; To move house (especially a sudden move to avoid ...
  7. (n.) A flow control unit - the basic unit of information sent through a message passing system that uses virtual cut-through or wormhole routing.
  8. To, to remove from or leave lands or house; cp. the old proverb, "Three flittings make a burning," meaning that constant removal is fatal to the preservation of papers, etc.
  9. pasar de un sitio a otro rápidamente; revolotear; mudarse a la chita callando
  10. Well, that's a fairly offensive one. I'll let you take a wild guess at its meaning because I'm frankly embarassed even writing it here. Fortunately, it appears that I had the good sense not to incorporate it into my vocabulary.