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flimflam 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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flimflams, plural;
  1. Swindle (someone) with a confidence game
    • - the tribe was flimflammed out of its land
  1. Nonsensical or insincere talk
    • - I suppose that you suspect me of pseudointellectual flimflam
  2. A confidence game
    • - flimflams perpetrated against us by our elected officials

  1. bunco: a swindle in which you cheat at gambling or persuade a person to buy worthless property
  2. a load of rubbish / a tall story / trickery. e.g. "Don't give me any flim-flam".
  3. light-hearted nonsense; deception; trickery.
  4. flim-flam\ noun 1. Staged housecleaning created by the casual placement of props in various locations in an attempt to convince the mother of the house into believing that things are not as bad as they appear.  syn see VACUUM FRAUD
  5. to trick, deceive, swindle or cheat.
  6. necedad; bagatela; engaño