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fleece 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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fleeces, plural;
  1. Obtain a great deal of money from (someone), typically by overcharging or swindling them
    • - money that authorities say he fleeced from well-to-do acquaintances
  2. Cover as if with a fleece
    • - the sky was half blue, half fleeced with white clouds
  1. The woolly covering of a sheep or goat
    • - as the sheep came on board, we grabbed their long shaggy fleeces
    • - he clutched the ram by two handfuls of thick fleece
  2. The amount of wool shorn from a sheep in a single piece at one time

  3. A thing resembling a sheep's woolly covering, in particular

  4. A soft warm fabric with a texture similar to sheep's wool, used as a lining material

  5. A jacket or other garment made from such a fabric

  6. A representation of a fleece suspended from a ring

  1. the wool of a sheep or similar animal
  2. overcharge: rip off; ask an unreasonable price
  3. shear the wool from; "shear sheep"
  4. sheepskin: tanned skin of a sheep with the fleece left on; used for clothing
  5. a soft bulky fabric with deep pile; used chiefly for clothing
  6. wool: outer coat of especially sheep and yaks
  7. Polar fleece, usually referred to simply as "fleece," is a soft insulating synthetic fabric made from Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) or other synthetic fibres. One of the first forms was Polar Fleece created in 1979 by Malden Mills, now Polartec LLC. ...
  8. (Fleeces) Wool is the textile fiber obtained from the hair of sheep and certain other animals, including cashmere from goats, mohair from goats, vicuña, alpaca, and camel from animals in the camel family, and angora from rabbits.
  9. Fabric with a thick, heavy surface resembing sheep wool. Features a pile of napped fabric with either woven or knitted construction.
  10. The entire coat sheared from an animal at one time.
  11. Synthetic knit fabric that stretches across the grain. Suitable for vests, jackets and tops.
  12. Brushed knit, one side smooth, other side fluffy.
  13. A soft, bulky fabric with deep pile. It is lightweight, dries quickly and is able to insulate even when wet.  Polar fleece is usually made from 100% polyester and is machine-washable.
  14. An all-wool or synthetic knit fabric with a deep soft pile. It provides good insulation without the too much weight or bulk. Also the term for the complete shaving of a sheep's wool at on time.
  15. The wool covering the rabbit, including all growing fibers. (Not sorted.)
  16. Natural or synthetic fibers that can be knitted or woven. It typically has a thick napped or pile inner surface and is used in jackets, blankets and sweatshirts.
  17. the fiber of an alpaca; lanolin-free. Huacaya fiber is crimpy, while fleece of the Suri alpaca is silken.
  18. the wool covering of a sheep.
  19. The wool of a sheep, whether shorn off or still attached to the skin (Deu 18:4; Job 31:20). The miracle of Gideon's fleece (Jdg 6:37) consisted in the dew having fallen at one time on the fleece without any on the floor, and at another time in the fleece remaining dry while the ground was wet ...
  20. Refers to pile or napped fabric with a deep, soft, woolly-style surface (click here for more info).
  21. Wool as it is shorn from the sheep; the fleece should remain in one piece.
  22. vellón; lana; desplumar; trasquilar; timar
  23. a knit or woven cloth with a deep, thick napped surface.
  24. Fabric with deep, soft nap.  Term properly applied to flat woven or knit fabrics as well as to those woven on the pile principle.  The long nap or pile provides many air spaces, resulting in a fabric with high insulative properties.
  25. is fabric with a deep pile that adds no extra weight but makes the fabric extra warm and luxurious.