- display proudly; act ostentatiously or pretentiously; "he showed off his new sports car"
- the act of displaying something ostentatiously; "his behavior was an outrageous flaunt"
- Flaunt is a monthly American fashion culture magazine founded by the current editor-in-chief, Luis Barajas, and creative director, Jim Turner, also the founders of Detour magazine. Long Nguyen, a third founder and style director, also was working on Detour for four years. ...
- Flaunt was a British Electronic Dance Music TV channel owned and operated by CSC Media Group (formerly Chart Show Channels).
- To parade, display with ostentation; (archaic or literary) To show off with flashy clothing
- (flaunting) That flaunts; showy or gaudy
- vs flout: flaunt means ‘to display ostentatiously', flout means ‘to flagrantly disregard' (the law, rules, etc.)
- ostentar; pavonearse