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fizzle 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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fizzles, 3rd person singular present; fizzling, present participle; fizzled, past tense; fizzled, past participle;
  1. End or fail in a weak or disappointing way
    • - their threatened revolt fizzled out at yesterday's meeting
  2. Make a feeble hissing or spluttering sound
    • - the strobe lights fizzled and flickered
  1. A failure
    • - in the end the fireworks were a fizzle
  2. A feeble hissing or spluttering sound
    • - the electric fizzle of the waves

  1. hiss: a fricative sound (especially as an expression of disapproval); "the performers could not be heard over the hissing of the audience"
  2. taper off: end weakly; "The music just petered out--there was no proper ending"
  3. flop: a complete failure; "the play was a dismal flop"
  4. In nuclear weapons, a fizzle occurs when the testing of a nuclear bomb fails to meet its expected yield. The reason(s) for the failure can be linked to improper bomb design, poor construction, or lack of expertise.Staff Writer. "." Strategy Page. Retrieved on 2008-05-04. Earl Lane. ". ...
  5. (Fizzles) Samuel Beckett used the word "fizzles" to describe eight short prose pieces written between 1973-1975.
  6. A spluttering or hissing sound; To sputter or hiss; To decay or die off to nothing; to burn out; to end less successfully than previously hoped
  7. slang for an atomic or nuclear explosion that fails to yield its full potential due to an error in construction or a deficiency in composition; to sputter into expiration, as derived from "break wind". See DUD, MISFIRE, LOOSE CANNON, SHIT MAGNET, FIELD REJECT, NUKE, FALLOUT, EMP, CONTAINMENT. ...
  8. Players use the term "fizzle" to refer to a spell or ability that is countered because it had a missing or invalid target when it resolved.
  9. to break wind in a quiet, half-hearted sort of way
  10. To fail or end weakly (colloquial).
  11. lose energy; slowly stop working
  12. fiasco; acabar; burbujear