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fishtail 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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fishtails, plural;
  1. (of a vehicle) Make such a movement
    • - the vehicle fishtailed from one side of the road to the other
  2. Cause (a vehicle) to make such a movement
    • - Carson fishtailed the Mercedes out into the road
  1. An object that is forked like a fish's tail
    • - carved detail including fishtail terminals on the banisters
  2. An uncontrolled sideways movement of the back of a motor vehicle
    • - he hit the brakes, sending the car into a fishtail that carried him across the street

  1. slow down by moving the tail sideways; "The airplane fishtailed on the runway"
  2. Fishtailing (also called "tank slapping") is a car handling problem which occurs in rear wheel drive vehicles when too much power is applied for the driving conditions. ...
  3. The tail of a fish, or an object resembling this; To swing the back of a vehicle (originally an aircraft) from side to side; To move with the tail swinging from side to side in this way
  4. (Fishtailing) the back and forth motion of the nock end of an arrow on its flight to the target
  5. (FISHTAILING) A rudder-controlled side-to-side [yawing] motion to reduce air speed, generally prior to landing.
  6. (Fishtailing) an intended or unintended flying trait where the aircraft tail waggles along the yaw axis slightly. It can be a cause of instability. There are several causes but a cure can be found by enlarging the fin area or thickening the fin trailing edge.
  7. (Fishtails) The exhaust tip or the end of a muffler looks like a Fishtail from the side.
  8. (Fishtails) not to be confused with fishnets – sometimes worn in secret beneath the motorcycle pants for extra warmth!! . . . fishtails are exhaust tips which are shaped a bit like fishtails – easy.
  9. A fan shaped addition to the train of a dress, popular in evening gowns a fish like train follows behind the wearer.
  10. Semaphore blade, so called from its peculiar shape
  11. An uncontrolled sideways movement of the back of a motor vehicle.
  12. a wedge-shaped piece of wood used as part of the support form between tapered pans in concrete joist construction.
  13. Highlights a curvy figure, with flair below the knee. Also known as mermaid or trumpet style.
  14. A figure hugging, slinky style which narrows at the knee and then flares to fullness around the ankles giving it its fishtail name
  15. Aft lateral oscillation of a vehicle, generally the result of traction loss.
  16. Noun, Movement of the rear end of a car from side to side. Verb, as in, "His car is really fishtailing as it comes out of the turn."