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finks, plural;
  1. Inform on to the authorities
    • - there was no shortage of people willing to fink on their neighbors
  2. Fail to do something promised or expected because of a lack of courage or commitment
    • - administration officials had finked out
  3. Cease to function
    • - your immune system begins finking out and you get sick
  1. An unpleasant or contemptible person, in particular

  2. A person who informs on people to the authorities
    • - he was assumed by some to be the management's fink
  3. A strikebreaker

  1. someone acting as an informer or decoy for the police
  2. take the place of work of someone on strike
  3. confess: confess to a punishable or reprehensible deed, usually under pressure
  4. In computing, the Fink project is an effort to port and package open-source Unix programs to Mac OS X. Fink uses dpkg and APT (Debian's package management system), as well as its own frontend program, fink (which is implemented as a set of Perl modules).
  5. Fink is the second album by the Swamp Zombies and was released in 1989 under the Doctor Dream Records label.
  6. Fink, AKA Fin Greenall, is an English singer, songwriter, guitarist, producer and DJ from St. Ives, currently based in Brighton. Since 2006, the name Fink has also referred to the recording and touring trio fronted by Greenall himself, completed by Guy Whittaker (bass) and Tim Thornton (drums). ...
  7. The Network is a six-piece New Wave band. They released their debut album Money Money 2020 on Adeline Records on September 30, 2003. A re-release of the album, with two bonus tracks, followed in 2004.
  8. Fink (from German, meaning the bird finch) is a surname, and may refer to: * Aaron Fink (born 1977), guitarist for the rock band Breaking Benjamin * Aaron J. ...
  9. Howard Finkel (born June 7, 1950) is a professional wrestling ring announcer currently working with World Wrestling Entertainment in a variety of roles. Hired in 1975 by Vincent J. McMahon's World Wide Wrestling Federation, "The Fink" was the first person brought in to Vincent K. ...
  10. (The Finks) The Finks Motorcycle Club is an Australian outlaw motorcycle club that was formed in Adelaide,South Australia in 1969. The name comes from The Wizard of Id cartoon where the peasants, to his dismay, often proclaim, "The King is a fink!". ...
  11. Someone who betrays a trust; To betray a trust
  12. A tattle tale. Example: You're such a fink. Why do you always tell mom everything I do? Thanks to Debbie Sims (69) for another great 60's word.
  13. A strike breaker; an informer; possibly derived from "Pinkertons", a private detective agency frequently used by employers to break strikes.