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finesses, plural;
  1. Do (something) in a subtle and delicate manner
    • - his third shot, which he attempted to finesse, failed by a fraction
  2. Slyly attempt to avoid blame or censure when dealing with (a situation or action)
    • - the administration's attempts to finesse its mishaps
  3. (in bridge and whist) Play (a card that is not a certain winner) in the hope of winning a trick with it
    • - the declarer finesses ♦J
  1. Intricate and refined delicacy
    • - orchestral playing of great finesse
  2. Artful subtlety, typically that needed for tactful handling of a difficulty
    • - clients want advice and action that calls for considerable finesse
  3. Subtle or delicate manipulation
    • - a certain amount of finesse is required to fine-tune the heat output
  4. (in bridge and whist) An attempt to win a trick with a card that is not a certain winner

  1. delicacy: subtly skillful handling of a situation
  2. In contract bridge and similar games, a finesse is a technique which allows one to promote tricks based on a favorable position of one or more cards in the hands of the opponents. ...
  3. Finesse is a jazz trio album recorded by pianist Toshiko Akiyoshi in 1978 and released on the Concord Jazz record label.
  4. Distinctive balance; fineness; elegance and flair.
  5. a liquor with subtle and precise aromas.
  6. Distinction and grace in a wine.
  7. A figure of merit for the reflectance of a Fabry-Perot etalon. It is given by R / (1 - R) where R is the reflectance (R < 1). [McL97]
  8. The finesse of a Fabry-Perot cavity is defined as the ratio between the cavity FSR and the cavity linewidth.
  9. Delicacy and refinement in structure and texture.
  10. Often used in the same breathe as "elegance", this is another word used for a complex if slightly lighter-bodied wine. Nearly always mentioned in the context of expensive Champagne.
  11. Describes a wine that possesses smoothness, intrigue and elegance.
  12. astucia; tacto; delicadeza; sutileza; diplomacia; estratagema; valerse de artificios o subterfugios
  13. Distinctive balance of a wine that separates it from its more ordinary peers.
  14. A wine with finesse exhibits elegance, refinement and delicacy. There is balance and harmony among its components.
  15. An highly subjective and abstract term relating to a wine of delicacy and complexity.
  16. A play that attempts to win a trick with a certain card, even though the opponents hold a higher card in the suit, by taking advantage of the position of the particular cards.
  17. One of the simplest non-trivial card plays in bridge. The simple finesse looks like this:
  18. A certain fine delicate quality that makes a good wine outstanding.
  19. A complimentary term referring to the complexity, elegance and delicacy of a wine.
  20. An attempt to win a trick or force out an enemy honor with a card that is not the highest card
  21. Sensitive disguises developed by the CIA using a Hollywood consultant and contractors.
  22. a maneuver by which it is assumed to win a trick with an immediate card by playing that card after one opponent has played to that card.
  23. When the rider lets the bike work for him to be as smooth as possible in his technique.
  24. fi·nesse (fe-nčsą) noun 1. Refinement and delicacy of performance, execution, or artisanship. 2. Skillful, subtle handling of a situation; tactful, diplomatic maneuvering. 3. A stratagem in which one appears to decline an advantage. verb fi·nessed, fi·ness·ing, fi·ness·es verb, transitive 1. ...
  25. The measurement of the average particle size of the cocoa solids in the chocolate, expressed in ten-thousandths of an inch or in microns.