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finagle 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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finagles, 3rd person singular present; finagled, past participle; finagling, present participle; finagled, past tense;
  1. Obtain (something) by devious or dishonest means
    • - Ted attended all the football games he could finagle tickets for
  2. Act in a devious or dishonest manner
    • - they wrangled and finagled over the fine points

  1. wangle: achieve something by means of trickery or devious methods
  2. Finagle's Law of Dynamic Negatives (also known as Finagle's corollary to Murphy's Law) is usually rendered: One variant (known as O'Toole's Corollary of Finagle's Law) favored among hackers is a takeoff on the second law of thermodynamics (also known as entropy): The term "Finagle's Law" was ...
  3. To obtain, arrange, or achieve by indirect and usually deceitful methods; To cheat or swindle; to use crafty, deceitful methods. (often with "out of" preceding the object)
  4. (finagling) the act of cheating or swindling
  5. to make something happen through hard work or trickery.
  6. has been traced to the old English dialect word “fainaigue,” meaning “to cheat or renege.” Today it means something more along the lines of finding a way to get what you want – we’re talking clever, not dishonest.
  7. conseguir con chanchullos