- a feeling of agitation expressed in continual motion; "he's got the fidgets"; "waiting gave him a feeling of restlessness"
- move restlessly; "The child is always fidgeting in his seat"
- Fidgeting is the act of moving about restlessly. Fidgeting may be a result of nervousness, agitation, boredom or a combination of these. It may be a result of genes. It is often an unconscious act. It may involve playing with one's fingers, hair, or items of clothing. ...
- A person who fidgets, especially habitually; to wiggle or twitch; to move around nervously or idly
- (Fidgets) Slang for the Ford Focus Midgets.
- means to move a lot with little movements. What’s the word?
- to twitch or move about wildly and uncontrollably. Otherwise, the Newfoundland version of "Gidget"
- Interference of enemy high frequency night-fighter transmissons.
- Seeking relief in continual spasmodic movements.
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