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feint 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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feints, plural;
  1. Denoting paper printed with faint lines as a guide for handwriting; denoting the lines so printed

  1. Make a deceptive or distracting movement, typically during a fight
    • - he feinted left, drawing a punch and slipping it
  2. Pretend to throw a (punch or blow) in order to deceive or distract an opponent
    • - Feinting a left, I bobbed to the right
  1. A deceptive or pretended blow, thrust, or other movement, esp. in boxing or fencing
    • - a brief feint at the opponent's face
  2. A mock attack or movement in warfare, made in order to distract or deceive an enemy

  1. any distracting or deceptive maneuver (as a mock attack)
  2. deceive by a mock action; "The midfielder feinted to shoot"
  3. Feint is a French term that entered English from the discipline of fencing. Feints are maneuvers designed to distract or mislead, done by giving the impression that a certain maneuver will take place, while in fact another, or even none, will. ...
  4. "Feint" is the second single of Dutch symphonic metal band Epica.
  5. A movement made to confuse the opponent, a dummy; An offensive movement resembling an attack in all but its continuance; The narrowest rule used in the production of lined writing paper (C19: Variant of FAINT); To make a feint, or mock attack; Feigned; counterfeit; (of an attack) directed ...
  6. (FEINTING) Making a play to allow your opponent a scoring opportunity while distracting him from the real seat of action elsewhere on the board (e.g. the only spot for your bonus word).
  7. (Feinting (fake or balking)) A body, arm or eye movement, or combination of these, which act to freeze a defensive player or make him/her leave defensive positioning, to the advantage of the offensive player.
  8. (FEINTS) (pronounced “Faints”) a name given to the last portion of spirits that runs from a still as the distillation of a batch nears completion.  Feints are normally turned back into the still for redistillation.  Feints are also, and more generally referred to as tails.
  9. (Feints) Also referred to as tails or aftershots, this is the final spirit from the low wines.  This not only has a low alcohol conent, it also contains impurities and the taste is somewhat undesirable, for this reason it usually returned to the low wines for re-distillation.
  10. (Feints) Body movements designed to unbalance an opponent, or a deceptive movement which can be applied with or without the ball, e.g. feinting to kick the ball, or feinting to move in one direction.
  11. (Feints) Term applied to the impure spirit produced from the end of the second distillation.
  12. (Feints) The unused end-part of a distillation run which is mostly water (also known as tails).
  13. Any deceptive movement that disconcerts an opponent before or during the service.
  14. A feint is a fake punch or any offensive movement used to get your opponent to react and move out of his good offensive position opening himself up to your real attack.
  15. Faking a punch to induce the opponent to open up into a vulnerable position.
  16. another word for a fake.
  17. (pronounced feynt) To pretend to attack in one direction while the real attack is directed somewhere else.
  18. A feint is a fake punch or body movement that a boxer uses to get his opponent to make a move in return, perhaps leaving himself open to be hit, or left unprepared to take different action.
  19. an action that attempts to confuse and trick an opponent e.g. step over, scissors, Beardsley, Ronaldhino, Ronaldo, Cryff all have feints named after them.
  20. A feint is a movement of the hands, or of the hands and body, intended to deceive an opponent as to whether the intent is to pass, shoot, or dribble; or as to the direction in which a pass is to be made, or a dribble is to be started.
  21. What a fencer does after they get their credit card bill from a tournament weekend
  22. To threaten a line on the opponent for the purpose of provoking a reaction from the opponent. Usually followed by a thrust to a different line.
  23. An offensive style for fighters with a speed advantage. Drawback: increases fatigue.
  24. An offensive action, which does not involve a lunge, that simulates an attack or the beginning of an attack. It's designed to draw a reaction or parry.
  25. attacking into one line with the intention of switching to another line before the attack is completed