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faze 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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fazes, 3rd person singular present; fazing, present participle; fazed, past tense; fazed, past participle;
  1. Disturb or disconcert (someone)
    • - she was not fazed by his show of anger

  1. disturb the composure of
  2. (fazed) bothered: caused to show discomposure; "refused to be fazed by the objections"
  3. Faze is a Canadian-based magazine written for teens and young adults. It is the largest teen magazine in Canada, and is also available in the United States.
  4. Faze (real name Chibuzor Oji) is a Nigerian musician and was a member of Nigerian hip hop group Plantashun Boyz (other members Black Face and Tu Face). The group split up in 2004 and each member of the group has gone on to launch successful solo careers.
  5. To frighten or cause hesitation; to daunt, put off (usually used in the negative), to perturb, to disconcert
  6. perturbar; molestar; marear