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familiarize 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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familiarized, past participle; familiarising, present participle; familiarizes, 3rd person singular present; familiarizing, present participle; familiarized, past tense; familiarised, past tense; familiarises, 3rd person singular present; familiarised, past participle;
  1. Give (someone) knowledge or understanding of something
    • - to familiarize pupils with the microscope and its uses
  2. Make (something) better known or more easily grasped
    • - exercises which will help to familiarize the terms used

  1. make familiar or conversant with; "you should acquaint yourself with your new computer"; "We familiarized ourselves with the new surroundings"
  2. (familiarized) adjusted: having achieved a comfortable relation with your environment
  3. (familiarization) the experience of becoming familiar with something
  4. (familiarizing) serving to make familiar
  5. (Familiarization) The time required for an infant to prepare to breastfeed. This can vary from immediate readiness to approximately 20 minutes. During this time the infant may touch, lick, smell or pull on the nipple. ...