- conformity with rules or standards; "the judge recognized the fairness of my claim"
- ability to make judgments free from discrimination or dishonesty
- paleness: the property of having a naturally light complexion
- comeliness: the quality of being good looking and attractive
- Fairness measures or metrics are used in network engineering to determine whether users or applications are receiving a fair share of system resources. There are several mathematical and conceptual definitions of fairness.
- The property of being fair
- A goal of Fair Information Practices, which requires a company to use personal information only for the purpose for which it was initially collected.
- An administrative law principle. The "duty to be fair" means the medical adjudicator keeps an open mind in reviewing the evidence in a case and carefully reviews all of the evidence to determine if the person meets or continues to meet the "severe and prolonged" criteria. ...
- A system included in SCSI-3 which prevents fast devices with a higher priority from "hogging" the bus and preventing devices with a lower priority from gaining control of the bus. Must be used if QAS is implemented.
- If you copy more than 10%, one chapter or one article, then in determining whether the copying or communication is a fair dealing you need to consider the following five factors:
- (n.) A property of a concurrent system. If a system is fair, then in the long run all processes are served equally. No process has preferential access to semaphores and in particular no process can livelock. See also deadlock.
- A term indicating that an entity's financial condition and operating results are presented in a way that is understandable, appropriate, and comprehensive. ...
- In journalism, fairness requires not favouring one viewpoint over another in collecting and presenting news and opinion. Different viewpoints are presented accurately, even those with which the journalist personally disagrees.
- Consistent with rules, logic, or ethics
- The scheme produces decisions that are fair and seen to be fair by observing the principles of procedural fairness, by making decisions on the information before it and by having specific criteria upon which its decisions are based by giving cogent reasons for decisions;
- Forming part of psychological assessment, fairness concerns the equality of opportunity for members of different (e. g. ethnic) groups during personnel selection, using aptitude diagnostics processes.
- The underlying goal of Activist Government. The deliberate pursuit of Government defined, Government mandated, and Government enforced Sameness (Equality). ...
- Sanctions are more likely to promote positive behaviour if pupils see them as being applied consistently and fairly. The guidelines to staff should therefore advise them to:
- ARM: rewarding and punishing people according to and appropriately with their decisions and actions; treating people equally under the law based upon their individual behavior. ...
- ensuring just and equitable conditions in the assessment process for all candidates, eg, by providing for candidates with special assessment needs, and by following the national standards for assessment.
- A public authority acts unfairly if it wrongly neglects an interest of a person affected by the decision. The neglected interest may be an interest in the outcome (substantive unfairness), or in participation in the making of the decision (procedural unfairness; see natural justice). ...
- The goal of any form of justice, but especially in the area of taxation, that provides overwhelming benefit to Republican constituencies. ...
- We insist that all arrangements work equally well for all parties in both human and financial terms.
- The proposition that multi-national and large domestic corporations must be treated exactly as they wish to be, and that they not be singled out in any way that would cause them to have to make greater contributions to the general welfare than any single individual living on less than $20,000 ...
- in assessment requires consideration of the individual candidates needs and characteristics, and any reasonable adjustments that need to be applied to take account of them. ...