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exult 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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exulted, past tense; exults, 3rd person singular present; exulting, present participle; exulted, past participle;
  1. Show or feel elation or jubilation, esp. as the result of a success
    • - exulting in her escape, Annie closed the door behind her

  1. feel extreme happiness or elation
  2. exuberate: to express great joy; "Who cannot exult in Spring?"
  3. Exult is a free software reimplementation of the Ultima VII game engine. It enables play of Ultima VII: The Black Gate and Ultima VII Part 2: Serpent Isle, and their corresponding expansion disks Forge of Virtue and Silver Seed, on modern machines. ...
  4. Exult Inc. was a company, headquartered in Irvine, California that provided business services related to Human Resources HR and Business Process Outsourcing BPO.
  5. to rejoice, be very happy
  6. (V) -to show or feel a lively or triumphant joy; rejoice exceedingly; be highly elated or jubilant.
  7. Rejoice; leap for joy.
  8. Page:  Chapter 13 Pg. 126
  9. mope, sulk, regret, rue, lament