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extricate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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extricated, past participle; extricated, past tense; extricates, 3rd person singular present; extricating, present participle;
  1. Free (someone or something) from a constraint or difficulty
    • - he was trying to extricate himself from official duties

  1. release from entanglement of difficulty; "I cannot extricate myself from this task"
  2. (extrication) unsnarling: the act of releasing from a snarled or tangled condition
  3. Extricate is a 1990 album by post-punk band The Fall. It was made immediately after bandleader Mark E. Smith divorced Brix Smith. ...
  4. (Extricates) Vehicle extrication is the process of removing the vehicle from around a person that has been involved in a motor vehicle accident, when conventional means of exit are impossible or unadvisable. A delicate approach is needed to minimize injury to the victim during the extrication. ...
  5. To free, disengage, loosen, or untangle; To free from intricacies or perplexity
  6. (Extrication) The process of freeing a victim who is entrapped.
  7. (Extrication) removal of a trapped victim such as a vehicle extrication, confined space rescue, or trench rescue; sometimes using hydraulic spreader, Jaws of Life, or other technical equipment.
  8. to get out of soemthing, or to extract