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extol 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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extols, 3rd person singular present; extolled, past participle; extolled, past tense; extolling, present participle;
  1. Praise enthusiastically
    • - he extolled the virtues of the Russian peoples

  1. laud: praise, glorify, or honor; "extol the virtues of one's children"; "glorify one's spouse's cooking"
  2. (extolment) praise: an expression of approval and commendation; "he always appreciated praise for his work"
  3. Extol is a Christian extreme metal band from Bekkestua, Norway that formed in 1993. In 2007, they announced they were splitting up to work on separate projects. ...
  4. to praise; to make high
  5. (v.) to praise, revere (Kamila extolled the virtues of a vegetarian diet to her meat-loving boyfriend.)
  6. [Ps.30:1, 68:4; 145:1; Dan.4:37]- to raise in words or eulogy; to praise; to exalt in commendation; to magnify.
  7. lavishly/enthusiastically praise, laud, eulogise
  8. The currency used in Skypiea. Normally written as a capital "E" with a slash through it like a dollar sign.
  9. (verb) to praise greatly
  10. to priase extravagantly