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extirpate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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extirpates, 3rd person singular present; extirpated, past participle; extirpated, past tense; extirpating, present participle;
  1. Root out and destroy completely
    • - the use of every legal measure to extirpate this horrible evil from the land

  1. uproot: destroy completely, as if down to the roots; "the vestiges of political democracy were soon uprooted" "root out corruption"
  2. uproot: pull up by or as if by the roots; "uproot the vine that has spread all over the garden"
  3. surgically remove (an organ)
  4. Local extinction is the condition of a species (or other taxon) which ceases to exist in the chosen area of study, but still exists elsewhere. This phenomenon is also known as extirpation. Local extinctions are contrasted with global extinctions.
  5. To clear an area of roots and stumps; To pull up by the roots; uproot; To destroy completely; to annihilate; To surgically remove
  6. (Extirpated) A species that no longer exists in the wild in Canada but exists elsewhere.
  7. (Extirpated) Extinct in a particular area.
  8. (Extirpated) extinct in a specific location, but not extinct as a species
  9. (Extirpated) An animal or plant that has disappeared form part of its original range
  10. (Extirpated) Cannot be found in Pennsylvania anymore, but might be found in other places.
  11. (Extirpated) Refers to a nonextant population of an extant taxon.
  12. (Extirpated) Refers to a speciesA group of individuals that have many of the same characteristics, and are different from all other animals in some important way. Hamsters and mice are two different species of rodent. that is extinct in a certain area. ...
  13. (Extirpated) Removed completely, exterminated.
  14. (Extirpated) The species is no longer found in this portion of its historic range.
  15. (Extirpated) refers to a species or subspecies lost from parts of its total range.
  16. (extirpated) No longer existing or surviving in a defined geographic area, as either a direct or indirect result of human activity. (see extant, extinct)
  17. Extirpated describes a population that has been depressed to the point that it is barely reproducing. Only a remnant population exists, but it is so low that the stock will probably never fully recover on its own.
  18. To destroy totally; extinction caused by direct human action, such as hunting, trapping, etc.
  19. to pull up by the roots. The reference here is to Prospero and Miranda's being forced from their home and country.
  20. To destroy or eliminate a species (plant or animal) from an entire area within its range, but not from the entire planet.
  21. The meaning of this word is "To remove something unwanted.
  22. v. remove and destroy, pull up by roots i
  23. to remove or destroy totally.